I have been listening to this song by Andra Day quite a bit these last couple of days. It first awakened an emotion in me when I saw it as part of a video by South African Airlines, where a crew from SAA took home tourist that were stranded in SA during the lockdown. Selfless people who could have stayed home with their families, but instead put themselves on the front line to reunite strangers with their families. This was so heartwarming! Watch the video here: SAA takes German tourists home The song is so fitting for the situation we are all in. It has become somewhat of an inspirational mantra for me when things get me down. One day, we will we able to do the things again that we love. Going to the gym, spending time with family and friends, having great meals at restaurants, and travel!!! Pont des Arts bridge, Paris Once things have gone back to normal, which will probably be a new kind of normal, we all need to rise up, and face the new challenges that come ...